Thursday, November 19, 2009

One Crazy MOM

I looked out the window today and what did I see, I seen a little birdie looking back at me.... The little birdie took flight and left, I stood there thinking to my self, were will he be tonight. I know were I am at tonight but what happened to the little birdie. I also look at my own family and I pray each day they all are safe at night, have a full belly and go to sleep with a smile. Life is really worth living to the most.
Last week I go the biggest shock of my life. I got a call my cousin at the age of 53 was found dead in bed. You are joking right. This person was the most energetic person I ever knew. She would do more in an hour than most would do all day. Yes she was a smoker and liked to have a drink now and then, but I asked God a hundred times, "Why Jan." I have not gotten any answer but I do know that someday I can ask him face to face "Why Jan" but by then I might have a lot more questions. And I really do because I often wonder, "Why, Justice, Uncle Claude, Sonny, Deanna, and the list goes on, and on"...
I am sure everyone has that same "WHY" Not just for the lost of a love one but for what people do in the life they live. Why does the wife cheat on her husband, why does the husband cheat on the wife, why does someone lie to make them self look better than someone else. Why lie at all. Does tellin a lie make life better? I have never seen a lie make anything better. I have only seen lies make things worse.
I have been told that I have lied about something but I can tell you and God, everyone lies sometime in their life. But was it to hurt someone, NO. I hate conflict and I really do not lie I just always hope things go the way I want. It does not always happen that way, so if that is lying then yes. ME too. I am guilty.
Can you say that you are guilty. I know I can and I am sure you are too. I want peace, no discontent. I like love, not hate. So were do you stand?

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